Turbochargers are devices that make cars cool…or at least that’s what the movies tell us. Join EAF to learn what exactly a turbocharger is & what it does!
Tag: Technology
Tesla’s That Drive Themselves…Almost
New software updates for Tesla owners that allow for semi-autonomous driving! Come learn about their functionality and how they work at EAF!
Page Update: Brian (Team Leader)
A page on Engineering A Future has been updated! (EAF Page Update)
DARPA Develops Robotic Landing Gear
DARPA develops robotic landing gear in a system called Mission Adaptive Rotor (MAR) to allow helicopters to land on and take off from angled, irregular, and moving surfaces!
TeamUV Repost: Vortex Generators
Why on Earth would you want to generate a vortex using vortex generators? Come on into EAF & read about these little bumps and their big benefits!
The Reason Why a Rolex Is so Expensive
Ever wonder why a Rolex watch costs so much? Come on into EAF & find out what exactly about the design & production of a Rolex drives its price tag so high!
Air Tankers & Orange Stuff
Ever see air tankers swoop down seemingly mere feet above an ablaze mountainside & drop an orange mist from their bellies? Learn what’s going on at EAF!
Guest Writing on EAF
Come learn about the opportunities for guest writing about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) on Engineering A Future (EAF)!
Team UV Repost: The Basics of Ferrofluids
What do you get when you combine strange fluids called ferrofluids with the effects of magnetic fields, surface tension, & gravity? Awesome science!
Revolutions in Armor Over the Last Century
Come into EAF & learn about some of the coolest, most innovative, and overall hardcore revolutions in ground vehicle armor technology over the last century!