DARPA develops robotic landing gear in a system called Mission Adaptive Rotor (MAR) to allow helicopters to land on and take off from angled, irregular, and moving surfaces!
Tag: Machine Design
The Reason Why a Rolex Is so Expensive
Ever wonder why a Rolex watch costs so much? Come on into EAF & find out what exactly about the design & production of a Rolex drives its price tag so high!
USA vs Japan Giant Robot Battle 2016!!
If you’ve always wanted to see a giant robot battle, come learn about this awesome robot duel that will happen between the USA & Japan. Get excited!
Team UV Repost: Stress Concentrations
Come learn about stress concentrations and how a simple hole in a material can greatly affect a design’s strength in this repost from TeamUV.org!
Simplicity in Engineering (Beer and Lifting Weights)
Come see how simplicity in engineering can help to bring about awesome ideas to revolutionize beer pong and safe weight lifting!