Looking for career tips for marketing yourself after graduation? Get some general pointers from one of EAF’s authors, Andrew!
Tag: Blog
Profile Updated: Andrew
Andrew has updated his Engineering A Future (EAF) profile page. Come on in to see the changes he has made to his profile page!
Drops from Prince Rupert
Prince Rupert’s Drops are seemingly ordinary tear-drop shaped glass drops that are super strong on the bulbous end, yet can explode, fracturing at more than 4 times the speed of sound from simply nicking the tail! Check out this article to find out why and how this happens!
Profile Updated: Abraham
Abraham has updated his Engineering A Future (EAF) profile page. Come on in to see the changes he has made to his profile page!
Afterburners & Shock Diamonds
Check out this awesome picture of an F-15 Eagle with lit afterburners and shock diamonds in the exhaust. Read the full post for a simple, concise explanation of why afterburners are used and what the cool pattern in the exhaust really is!
Welcome to Engineering A Future!
Welcome to EAF! Welcome to Engineering A Future (EAF)! EAF is a website dedicated to inspiring the next generation of engineers by helping to inspire greater interest in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) fields amongst the general public. For all of our readers following us over from TeamUV.org, we thank you and promise that […]