In today’s post I explore why cold weather, binge drinking, and not exercising may left me vulnerable to get sick. Come learn from my mistakes on EAF! – Abraham
Category: Lecture Notes
The Paris Attacks & Situational Awareness
EAF issues its best wishes to those affected by the horrendous Paris attacks & wants to help you learn about situational awareness tactics that could help to keep you safe & alive.
Understanding Volcanic Eruptions
Volcanic eruptions can be some of the most terrifyingly destructive & awe-inspiring events all at the same time. Come learn about volcano science with EAF!
Fluid Mechanics as Art
Fluid mechanics is an incredibly complex field found within the realms of engineering, science, & math…but what about fluid mechanics as art? Come enjoy taking a look at fluid mechanics as an art form!
TeamUV Repost: Vortex Generators
Why on Earth would you want to generate a vortex using vortex generators? Come on into EAF & read about these little bumps and their big benefits!
What Is a Super Blood Moon?
Super Blood Moon. Kind of sounds like the title for a low budget sci-fi horror flick or at the least like the end of days, right? A super blood moon is actually just a breathtaking astronomical event that doesn’t come around too often, and that some of you were hopefully able to catch a glimpse […]
Adapting Biosensing of Bats for Better SONAR
Bats…creatures that evoke images of vampires, cartoon caves, & dark superheros…& are also some of nature’s most advanced acrobats?!?! Learn more at EAF!
Team UV Repost: The Basics of Ferrofluids
What do you get when you combine strange fluids called ferrofluids with the effects of magnetic fields, surface tension, & gravity? Awesome science!
Question Box: Contrails
Ever wonder what those big white “exhaust lines” you see in the sky are? Well, rest assured you’re not alone! Come on in to EAF to learn about contrails!
“The Lexus Hoverboard: The Science” Explained!!
Come on in to EAF and learn about the basics of the engineering and science that allows the Lexus Hoverboard to levitate!